How to use a gift card at your company? (Gift card redemption)
If a customer arrives at your place and presents a gift card they wish to use, then this instruction will help you with the redemption of the gift card.
How to use gift cards on the Bookla platform:
- Go to, section “Gift Cards,” subsection “Gift card usages”.
- The customer’s gift card has a promo code that needs to be entered in the “Search for a Gift Card” section.
The gift card must be activated. If the gift card is not activated, you can learn how to do it here, Click here .
- Enter the activation code.
- Press the “Add Usage” button.
- Under “Add Usage,” enter:
- Usage date
- Amount
- Comment – specify in the comment which service the gift card was used for.
- Press the “Save” button.
- After these steps, you will be able to see that the gift card has been successfully used, and the remaining balance of the gift card will also be visible.
That’s all! With these steps, you have successfully used the gift card.