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Bookla's solution for

Sigulda sports centre

A brand new and multifunctional sports center with modern equipment is located in the heart of Sigulda.
Siguldas sporta centrs pool
Sigulda sports centre
A brand new and multifunctional sports center with modern equipment is located in the heart of Sigulda. Swimming enthusiasts will enjoy a modern 25 metres long pool (depth of 1.35 - 2 metres) as well as smaller pool for children’s swimming lessons (depth of 85 centimetres).
Two slides, three different saunas, an SPA bath, a counter current pool, and a cold bath are available for leisurely relaxation in the Water park.
What we faced


"Sigulda sports centre" is a modern and completely new sports center which takes the best client experience as the top priority. They were looking for the cutting-edge appointment management system that will let their clients schedule appointments and buy tickets for all their venues.


Bookla has all the features required to organize online bookings, manage clients, and do contactless reservation verifications.

Online reservations

"Sigulda sports centre" is using Bookla in multiple venues of the sports center - swimming pool, water park, and gym. They are using pre-defined timeslots and visitor count limitations to respect COVID-19 restrictions in Latvia. People can make reservations in the mobile app or web widget.
Online booking

Client feedback

Each client can leave a review in Bookla app after each appointment. This feedback helps to react quickly to negative feedbacks and to improve clients' experience in the sports center. The company is working hard to keep a high rating of 4.95 stars in the Bookla app.
Customers reviews

Appointments verification

Appointments can be verified with a QR scanner or by checking the list of clients for the particular timeslot. Also, there is a requirement to validate the client's COVID-19 certificate on the spot. Clients can store COVID-19 certificates in Bookla, and the verification takes just a few seconds.
QR code verification
Just the beginning


We got positive feedback about Bookla from the "Sigulda sports centre" as well as their clients. Employees of the sports center spend less time on answering phone calls when somebody wants to make a booking or when all the events should be cancelled by any reason. Clients' feedback collection is smooth and not a single review is left without attention. And most importantly, all COVID-19 security requirements are met and the sports center can operate normally.
Sigulda sports centre gymSigulda sports centre pool

Client feedback

We want to say a big Thank You to the Bookla team for their successful cooperation. The Bookla team has made the daily life of our customer service specialists easier. All reservations to the Water Amusement Park and the Gym of the Sigulda sports centre are made in the mobile application Bookla. Previously, all appointments went through calling customer service specialists. Bookla helps us to stay in line with epidemiological requirements and control the people flow in the training premises as well as in changing rooms. The Bookla team consists of responsive and creative people. It's always a pleasure to cooperate!
Santa Bludova

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